Thursday, July 28, 2011

BUS 528 - Chapter 10 Building a High-Performance Project Team

Control and meeting blogs

6.B. After you have read Ch10. Deliberately examine "Effective Meeting Guidelines" (around p. 275) Recall the last meeting you have chaired or participated, analyze the meeting by EACH of the guidelines. How effective was the meeting? How many guidelines it followed and how many it did not? Which guideline(s) will would have helped the meeting most? (30-90 min, insert in your blog)

6.C. Apply as many "guidelines" as possible to the next meeting you chair or organize before the end of the semester. If you don't have the opportunity so far, volunteer to organize the next one! Your superviser and colleagues will be impressed! Reflect your experience in your blog. (optional, extra credit!!, due by the end of the semester)

6.B. I had the meeting guidelines as follows and it seemed to be very helpful:
• Before the meeting
1. A meeting invitation is sent with time, location and agenda with major topics to be discussed
• During the meeting
1. Start on time
2. Use the agenda to structure the meeting
• Ending the meeting
1. Summarize the meeting by reviewing the decisions and action items
2. Be clear about the next meeting date
3. End on time
• After the meeting
Send out meeting minutes

6.C. With the above guideline (6.B), I added the following that made the meeting much more efficient and productive:
In the agenda, I assigned a time frame and a topic leader for every topic, so people know the objective of the discussion.
During the meeting, I reviewed the process and set ground rules and determine how decisions would be made (by consensus); summarized comments and brought the group to a decision.
Ending the meeting, I wrapped up the meeting with an evaluation of the meeting process.
The sooner the meeting minutes issued, the more likely people would be to read and respond to them.

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